FREEDOM 46: A Lenten Challenge for Catholic Women
CourseWhat if this Lent could be the season that changes everything? The Freedom 46 Lenten Challenge isn’t just about giving up alcohol; it’s about stepping into the freedom Christ desires for you through daily actions, group coaching, and a community.
Drink Less or Not at All: A FREE Guide to Alcohol Freedom
Digital downloadJoin me on a journey of self-discovery! This free guide offers tools I use with clients to explore your drinking habits and develop healthier choices. Set aside time for reflection and dive in!
30-Day Alcohol Reset
Catholic Mocktail Book
Digital downloadThis mocktail eBook is your golden ticket to a world of whimsical, alcohol-free concoctions that will tickle your taste buds and uplift your soul. Perfect for the whole family!
Sacred Sobriety Lab
CourseThe Sacred Sobriety Lab empowers Catholic women to reduce or eliminate alcohol use through a self-guided, faith-based program. Rooted in grace and Scripture, it offers tools, strategies, and spiritual growth, helping you reclaim freedom and peace.